Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Curious Cook - NY Times - Harold McGee

Harold McGee is the author of the encyclopedic book about the science in the kitchen, On Food and Cooking. He writes a regular column for the New York Times called The Curious Cook. Two of my recent favorites are one about heat and one about cold. I learned a fantastic trick in the column on cold - you can make ice cream by putting the ice cream mixture in a ziploc bag and putting the bag in a bowl with ice and salt. Shake the bag a couple of times over the course of thirty minutes, and presto! Icecream with no icecream maker. Apparently 4H groups have been using this trick forever, but it is new to me, and I am so excited.

Unfortunately the Times doesn't provide an RSS feed for The Curious Cook - so you'll just have to keep your eye out for it. It seems to appear the first Wednesday of the month in the Dining & Wine section.

The Curious Cook
Harold McGee
The New York Times Dining & Wine section - 1st Wednesday of the month

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